May 18, 2008

Video Games and Gaming Healing Cancer?

I found this awesome article on a theory that Video Games may play a role in Cancer Fighting by Laurence Magne. Just One More Positive Effect The Video Games and Gaming World Can Have On The Masses. Check This Out:

"There is an exhaustive study of spontaneous healing of cancer and the mechanisms involved. Few books have been willing to so thoroughly investigate this ability of the human body to heal itself, including of cancer. Read Cancer Free For Life in a downloadable version."

"Our power to heal through the mind is so powerful, that a company in California has launched a video game for cancer patients, advancing serious games for health. HopeLab, funded by Pam Omidyar, wife of ebay co-founder Pierre Omidyar, has created Re-Mission. The personal computer game leads players on a series of twenty missions where they play a character named Roxxi, a ‘nanobot’ who enters the bodies of patients and zaps cancer cells. The game teaches ‘honest and blunt’ subjects to kids, such as how to deal with side effects of medication such as constipation." READ MORE:


Coach Gia said...

Awesome Article, it's about time something positive was said about video games.

Gwendolyn Allen "Google Me" aka Gia2054

Doug said...

I knew video games were good for some thing lol. Great article keep it up. So tell me what do you think of the new GTA?
Google Me Douglas Gorden Jr

Marilyn Swanson said...

Very interesting article! Will be checking out Re-Mission very soon.

Marilyn Swanson "Google Me"