April 06, 2008

Author Jayel Gibson "Damselflies"

Jayel Gibson is from Portland, Oregon and was born in California, where she spent most of her young life. Her love for mythology drove Gibson to eventually create the "Ancient Mirrors Tales" a series of Fantasy Novels that delve into an ancient magical world where men live alongside dragons and wizards.

Jayel Gibson earned a BA and a Master of Multicultural Studies from National University in San Diego. She became an elementary school teacher in 1989 in Escondido, California, where she taught the 4th and 5th grades.

Her passion for storytelling and research in the Celtic and Anglo-Saxon cultures proved more enticing.

She retired in 2003 from teaching and began her writing career "Ancient Mirrors Tales" include The Wrekening, Dragon Queen, and Damselflies.

I have the awesome honor to be interviewing Jayel on my radio show with Wavecritter!!!!!! We will be discussing the positive effects of Gaming on Youth, Moms Sons and Video Games. Tune in and listen by clicking the show button on the right! See you there!


Anonymous said...

Cool Beans!

Hans Regnier said...

Imagination is many times lost when we grow up!NICE!