January 24, 2009

Video Games and Gaming GemCraft Armor Games

I thought we would talk about this fun, clever game from Armor games called GemCraft!

An Armor Games creation for Video Games and Gaming! This is a flash based online game, totally strategy based tower defense game that is well worth your time to check out :)

You want some handy tips to get a "feel" before you begin, you say? OK :)

Begin the game with the mindset that you want to be able to "best" yourself on every level at least once (don't give it your all the first go round because you will want to complete each level at least twice, besting your own score, to get your score up and overall level higher).

To gain more points: from the scrolling bar (wave bar) to your upper left, click on the "next wave" to automatically send out the next enemies, this will increase your score immensely. Don't do this on fast mode unless you already have rank 4 gems in your towers.

You add gems to the towers already situated on the board and add towers as you go (best to add them toward the entrance to the enemies), these gems are your defense. Add the biggest rank gems to your tower as you can and trade the lower gems out as you go through the board, creating new gems along the way to annihilate the critter hoards.

Gem Bomb Tip: learn the "hot key" for the Gem Bombs in GemCraft and be sure to use these drag and drop style bombs frequently. reading the handy tips on the game along the way will help dramatically, don't discount them :)

Placing the water trenches back to back to ensure the longest time slowed on the enemy and try to place them near your "gauntlet" of towers (many towers in a row).

Placement of towers is very important, place as many as you can in a row and in a focused striking area.

Listen into Video Games and Gaming GemCraft Blog Talk Radio for more tips on Armor Games and more!

Video Games and Gaming

Dalton Haile aka Wyverex Google me ;)

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