The Triforce in the Legend of Zelda Series is an intricate force in the game. The TriForce stays in the Sacred Realm of Hyrule. When the World was in chaos, the golden TriForce was left when and where the goddesses returned to the heavens.
Din, Nayru, and Favore are the goddesses. Nayru is the goddess of love, was the giver of spiritual law to the World of hyrule. Din, the goddess of power, used her flaming powerful arms to create the land. Flavore, the goddess of corage, created all of the life forms.
The Triforce became the basis of guidance for Hyrule.
One of the most recognized symbols of The Legend of Zelda, the TriForce is composed of 3 magic triangles combined to be the greatest power in all of Hyrule. The person who uses this force must be pure of heart or trouble will overwhelm the land.
If a person not pure of heart touches the TriForce, only the strongest part of him will remain, either courage, wisdom, or power.
The people destined to be appointed to guard the separate TriForces have the mark of the TriForce on the back of their hands.
Dalton Haile aka Wyverex Google me
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